How to Make Decision in Life

 Your dreams goals and desires aspirations. It's good. That you spend a little more time on it and see, will this really means something to you even after 25 years? 50 years, if you are in your deathbed, will it still means something to you, you must look at it, whatever you aspiring for whatever you dreaming of whatever goals you have set, will it really mean something because most of these goals are traps, they just traps You get in. It's only one way street. You can turn back. I want you to look at this. Because, Many of them are older than you. You ask them. What's it reamed of at 18? They're fortunately didn't come true. Yes or no, if everything that you desire and Dream came true in your life. Could you live with it? Fortunately, many of those things. Got filtered and never came. So it will be very good if anybody of your rate if they want to decide and fix the goals of their life, it'll be very good if they take a break from all influence that surround them, social influences family, influences other influences, we draw somewhere. That's why an ashram. We draw somewhere, sit down and meditate. Bring yourself to certain level of clarity and joy, when you're very happy and Clear, you must decide not in desperation. You said goals desperate goals that you said will mean a lot to you at that moment. Tomorrow morning you look. You don't know why you're tangled up with it. So it'll be good. 

If you, if you're fixing your life, it's best that you do it when you're very, very peaceful happy. And clear-headed. Isn't it? Not influenced by anything around. You, simply by yourself sit and decide. What is it? That you really want to become in your life? What is it? That will be a vendor during value? You not for somebody else for you and you don't have to build a personality for that, you strive, for that. The necessary Persona will come. You must understand what a personality is, the word personality comes, from the word persona. Persona means in latinum is a mask. This is a mask that they used to use in Old theaters. Now, the same people will be playing many roles let Ramayan- happening. You have to play Rama role also and sita's role also and lakshman's role also but everything is one one must you hold this mask and speak like Rama keep it down. Hold this mask and speak like see that keep it down. Hold this and speak like Hanuman and keep it down. This is how the place were done. So it is those masks which were referred to as Persona. So personality means you held Us and must got stuck to your face. You couldn't pull it out. That means you have a personality personality is something that people are trying to develop because they have no sense of being. This is the real thing. You're trying to concretize affecting. If you are in touch with you being, why do you want to personality? It's not necessary. You can be a different kind of personality in different places. You are actually already, or are you stuck with one personality? Some people are people who are simplistic in their head, I have only one personality, others, have different personalities in different areas of life, Isn't it if you had. So personality is something that you have taken on, but you have become so unconscious about it that you think is for Real. Real is you're asking how to develop, that means you're making it up right. Another word for developing is making up, isn't it? You're making it up, make it up whichever way suitable for your kind of activity but you must be able to keep it down. If it gets stuck to your face, then it becomes misery, then all suffering will come to you, you can take on any kind of personality. But when you want to Keep it down. You must be able to keep it down. There was a sage.

He was so wise, people went to him and crowds gathered, then the king went to him and the King song such a wise man should be in his cult. So he told the sage you must come and become a chief minister because a wise man, like you shouldn't go away sitting under a tree. You must be useful for the people. The said said see, that's fine, but I have a condition you must give me a room. 

In your Palace, where I will spend every day one hour. You should never be pin to the groom. You should never ask me what it's about. You should never break into it. Nothing! This room should be left unexplored by yourself. Your servant, your secret agents and everybody. 

Looking that, that's not a problem. What's the problem with you want your room? Why do I want to look into your room? Take it. 

Then whenever any important meeting is to come, This man was Sage now who's become a minister, so he's wearing appropriate clothes for the palace. But he, listen to this room and locks himself for one hour and comes out. A few months and years passed. But then after that Kings curiosity, you know, you don't even got us to Mars. 

He wants to know what the hell is it doing inside? So P rumor started all around. Oh he's doing something. He's got somebody inside. Maybe he is an enemy agent. He suddenly landed here. What is it doing there? What is it? Doing there, everybody the whole Palace started buzzing around with? What is it doing in this room? Everybody wants to see what's in the room. But it's always locked. He goes in spends time there and comes up, especially when something important is to be done he.

All kinds of rumors. So one day King couldn't hold it. King asked the say this man, I want to see what's in that room. 

Just have well, there's a promise, you're given me. If you break the promise, I will leave. 

So he contained it. He doesn't want to lose the man, he's too wise and then She's other courtiers start talking, how can you allow this? We don't know what's happening inside. Could be dangerous but with this, it's good. With that one day when he was not there, they broke. Open the door and went inside. They looked around the room is empty. No furniture, no nothing, just empty room. It looked nothing and what does he do here? Then in one corner, this are very, you know, Warner clothing. Hanging left and a begging Bowl, seventh. They couldn't make out what this is, then. He came in, they said, well, you wanted to see you have see the king asked. What are you doing here? Is that whenever I want to make any important decision? I come here, where my worn-out clothes and sit with a begging ball ball? Clearly, you know, that I don't want to be caught up with the with all the things of the palace. My wisdom not to be lost in these clothes and in this jewellery and in the staff. So I come here wear, this clothes, hit with my begging Bowl, make the decisions, and then come out. Now, you've broken the promise and he left. So, this is what meditation is for, you everyday, when you sit, you strip yourself down, you don't have to do anything about if you sit there, simply say, Anything that's made up needs constant support from you, isn't it suppose you tell a lie? It needs constant support to keep it up, isn't it? But if something is true, you can even forget it. But it's still, there isn't yourself what I'm saying? If something is true, even if you forget it, it's still, there is no problem, but if it's a lie, you have to keep it up. Your personality is alive, you're being your existence is to is the truth. You don't have to keep this up. This will be anywhere there. What you make up for the sake of the society to function in this society, you need a certain kind of makeup. You must be able to keep it down. If you're going to bed, fully made up and something wrong with you. 

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