What Happens Everyday when you Quit Sugar for 30 Days

Whether you're doing it to help increase your testosterone levels, reverse insulin resistance or just doing it to save some extra bucks at the end of the week, quitting, sugar may just be the best thing you do for the health of your body. Now, when we mention sugar in this video, we are referring to all forms of added sugar or artificial sweeteners with the exemption of natural sugars, such as those found in Dairy and fruits. Here's what happens every day for up to 30 days after you stop consuming sugar on the first day, your body is adjusting to the change. And you may feel Feel some cravings for sweet foods and withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, mood swings, and irritability. You may also feel more tired than usual but this is normal as your body adapts to using different sources of energy on the second. 

And third day, your sugar withdrawal symptoms. Might continued while your body is still adjusting to life without sugar. You may experience some more intense cravings for sweet foods and may continue to experience irritability headaches and might even begin to feel foggy. It is also common to experience. Intestinal symptoms like bloating, constipation or diarrhea. During this time, on the other hand, some individuals may start feeling more energetic and focused as their bodies. Adjust to being sugar-free by the fourth to seventh day, your energy levels should start to improve. And at this point, the cravings and headaches should have reduced and most people start to feel better, your digestive system might also have adapted to the new sugar-free diet, thus reducing any Escrow intestinal symptoms, your sleep should also improve at this point and you may feel more rested in the morning. The age of 14 is the point where individual start to experience some weight loss as your body starts burning fat for energy. Instead of sugar, your skin will also start to clear up and look healthier. And some people might notice an improvement in their complexion in this second week, your taste buds will start to adjust and you may find that foods that didn't taste sweet before. 

Now taste sweeter, your energy levels will continue to improve and you might find that Are able to focus better throughout the day by day 15 to 21, you're over halfway through your sugar free month and you're really starting to reap the benefits of quitting sugar. You may notice that your mood has improved and you're feeling more positive overall. You may also find that your sleeping more soundly and waking up feeling more refreshed in this third week, most people report, feeling more energetic focused and alert, your immune system might also get a boost reducing the frequency of colds and infections. However, some people might still It's cravings and might need to be more Vigilant about avoiding sugary Foods, they 22 to 30 marks the last week of your sugar free month, that is, if you decide to stop after 30 days in this week, the benefits of quitting sugar become more pronounced and you will begin to experience and prove, mental Clarity better, sleep, reduced inflammation, increased metabolic health, and your body will become more sensitive to insulin. Now your body sensitivity to insulin is very important because as you become more sensitive to insulin insulin resistance, Increases and when insulin resistance decreases in testosterone levels, begin to increase. 

You also begin to notice that your body composition has changed, you've lost some weight or reduce your body fat percentage, your energy levels are steady at this point and you're not experiencing the same crashes, as before your digestive system will also continue to improve and you may notice better bowel movements and reduce bloating and feel more satisfied after meals with way less sugar Cravings than before.

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