A Healthy Diet, A Healthier World
We live in a world where under nutrition and obesity can exist side by side in the same country home or even person foods high in sugars salt and or unhealthy fats are leading to unhealthy diets and are one reason why children may not be growing healthily while causing other people to develop overweight or obesity. The consumption of unhealthy diets. This is heavily influenced by marketing easy. Access is fueling this new nutrition reality. But thankfully change towards a healthier future is possible by having a sustainable healthy diet, made up of a variety of foods that are safe for consumption. We can promote health and have better abilities to fight illness. How do we do this? Good nutrition for women during pregnancy and for children in their first 1000 days of life including breastfeeding. Sets them up for healthy adulthood and future Generations. We should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables whole grains, pulses, nuts and seeds, and less sugary, drinks, and foods high in sugars, salt and unhealthy fats, the less of these Foods. We buy the more the food industry will be encouraged to produce foods that contribute to healthy diets. We can also call them our leaders to make the right decisions. So that every person everywhere can afford and access good nutrition, When people like you, and me Industries, and governments work together to make positive changes, we can create a healthier world.