How to Unlock your innate Genius

There is something called as a genius and a human being. There is a competence here, which is capable of what nature did over a million years like that. Oh the afternoon, if the necessary striving is there, you can make it in your conscious process. If you set up the list necessary, situation success is an assured thing for that person. 

Small things are big things, it doesn't matter in every single act, a human being longs to be successful. Life is An infinite number of doorways. If you are very intelligent, you will open a few of them if you're brilliant, you open, many of them. But if you truly why Brent, then they will open for you. The process of being successful. Become so complex from people that why they're working towards. It is generally completely forgotten and they will start evolving. Concepts of success, all kinds of Concepts. What is being successful? I would like to tell you a joke. You looking so serious. 

There was a man in India whose name is shankaran pillai It's like John Smith. His son came to United States. Obviously, an Indian young man means he's a software engineer. He went to Texas and started working there. Then he fell in love with a white American woman he struggled because back home, this love affair is a crime. He struggled and struggled, and one day told his mother, then the mother informed, the father, and the father exploded, he went back home to convince him, didn't work because in India, if you have to get married increasing your family tree for 5,000 years, 

They're looking at the genetic purity of the person that you're married. So, somebody from somewhere else have white woman from America, how can you marry her? What do we know about genetics? Where did she come from? What is the lineage? That? No way to convince. He came back and of course, and it came back again. You fell in love, and they went ahead. Then the father disowned, simple template, just dishonest, and I have nothing to do with you. But years went by and they had a boy. And the boys picture from the day. He was born, it was on the Facebook and the wife sticks it in his face and the little baby and it is growing up every day and all the things totally. You know, you disowned the Son but the grandson is a different matter. Slowly within a matter of 12 years, he completely fell in love with this little baby that he is not seeing things happen and people started coming from America. Are those who are traveling? Oh you must see your Grant, you not seen him. You must seem. This is the fruit of your life slowly. It caught him then he decided he's not going to see son's face. He'll come to America and only see the grandson's face. 

Of course, he's not going to look at that white woman. 

Then he came to America and a seven-year-old boy full of energy. They're doing on a small vent is all over the place, doing all kinds of things. He completely got washed away by this little fellow. Then there's little boy, when they sent Grandpa come and show you my archery skills. He took him to the barn inside and he went into the born dead. He saw eight targets all of them with the arrow in the book. Authority. I looked at it. And then, in the heart of all, this is my grandson. He thought of all the great, legendary archers of India, in origin and ekalavya and, and he saw the future. All the Olympic gold, medals falling from the sky. Then he asked from what distance did you shoot? The boys had from 20 yards. What from 20 yards, eight targets, you shot them dead on Bullseye. How do you do this in the voice? Had Grandpa a fresh shirt and then paint the tortured. These Concepts about being successful can be really crippling and I have Continuously been with people, they've reached a certain point of success and their concepts of success and not fitting. Their life is not fitting into their concept of success and it's breaking it and they think something is going wrong. It is not going wrong they just getting better. Situations are pushing them on but their concept is breaking up. So they are suffering their success. You will see any number of people going through this kind of things. When we talk about success and I'm sure all of you must be already having plans as to how to unfold this success in your life and your plans. Plan is good. 

But plans again can get caught up in things because you plan from what you know today, nobody can plan from something that you do not know you. Your plan means it is an exaggeration of today as it tomorrow. Right now you're here at a certain level. Now, you think my plan means this must be ten times more in this many years or whatever or 100 times a million times, whatever. But plan is just Just essentially, an exaggeration of what is today. Maybe there is a certain logic to it. There is a maybe there's a certain understanding of the logistic attached to it, but essentially is exaggeration of today, that means in many ways, it's ruled out, whatever other possibilities, which are not in your experience. 

Pennsylvania, you heard of the Pennsylvania flood. And so, when you have flood show it once happened, a big flood came and Water started rising in a small town and it rose up to the queen of the house is getting submerged. So two young boys, got onto the roof of their house and they were sitting there and then they saw a hat going up and down and up and down in front of the house. One of the boys asked, what is that? Why is that had going up and down it? So the other boys had, don't worry to my dad yesterday night. He got into your fight with my mom and took a while.

So plants can be debilitating, it's good to have a plan, but it's more important that you have a purpose. If you have a purpose plans will evolve, things will happen plans will fall apart, new things will come up whatever has to happen. Will happen. If you hold on to a certain purpose, other things we'll just serve the purpose, but if you are Very committed to a plan as such then plan can become a blueprint for restriction. It is also possibility. It's alright to hold a plan, but you must hold a plan at a certain distance. You shouldn't get identified with the plan, the process of success. The essentially success is a desire in every human being You can put some fire into it and make it your passion. But if it becomes a need within you that you must be successful, otherwise you will suffer, then you are heading for a problem, a serious problem. 

Our passions can turn into poison. If we become, if you start becoming resentful for the non-fulfillment of those Passions.

When I say turning into poison to this substantial medical and scientific evidence to show that if you become resentful, when you resend something, when you're angry with something, when you're frustrated with something. We can medically today chick. We can do a little bit of blood work and show you. You actually putting poison in your system. These are poisons that you drink and you hope somebody else will die. Life, does not work like that. If you drink poison, you time and it's fair. It's very fair, isn't it? If you drink poison, you must die. I drink poison. I want him to die. It doesn't work like that. So, these emotions always take away. The fundamental ability. See, there is something called as a genius. The human being, every human being has it every week, human being touches it at some moment of life. But the question is, how often do you touch it? That's a question you sparked once in your lifetime, that's not good enough. You must be sparking all the time, isn't it? What is genius? The many ways to look at it one. Simplest way to look at it is. 

When we say intelligence, we're always thinking, logical thought now logical thought. Will be meaningless probably in another 25 years because your computer may be able to explore. All the permutations and combinations of logical thought much quicker and better than you can do. So, touching the genius means there's another dimension of intelligence within you. For breakfast. Over the afternoon, this chicken has transformed itself into human being. If you ask Charles Darwin, how long does it take for a chicken to become a human being? He would talk in terms of millions of years, here he is. 

Over the afternoon, it sends from the chicken and a human being. So that is an intelligence here. There is a competence here which is capable of what nature did over a million years like that or the afternoon. Only thing is this is an unconscious unconscious state of intelligence. What if it is unconscious, if the necessary striving is there, you can make it into your conscious process in your conscious process. If this intelligence, even a drop of this intelligence is available to you suddenly life. Will spark like, it's a magic. What everybody's logs for, you can just simply do it. Now, when I see intelligence always, people would think this. If you say intelligence and ask them to show in Sign Language, they'll also always say this, isn't it. They're not say this or this, or this or this but one cell in your body is doing more activity than your brain could ever do. One molecule of DNA is doing so many millions of functions in a minute that you can never have a figure it out. Yes. So in yoga, in the yogic systems in The yogic Sciences, we never look at anything as mind. There's no such thing as mind, there is a physical body and there is a mental body. So, You learn to think things through your body. Learning to think through your body will never give you a headache. That's the best part of it. 

Now all these responsibilities and thousand things happening at the same time, won't you get stretched? There is no such thing because you use a deeper dimension of yourself and everybody is capable of this and everybody has it. You may not have the same level of intellect as somebody else has. That is always subject to person to person. But all of you eat you, if you eat a carrot you can digest it that means you have another dimension of intelligence. 

Yes, if you set up the risks necessary situation that everything that's there within the system is available for you, success is in a short thing for that person. 

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