The Science of Attraction

We like to think of romantic feelings as spontaneous and Indescribable things that come from the heart, but it's actually your brain running a complex series of calculations. Within a matter of seconds, that's responsible for determining attraction. Doesn't sound quite as poetic does it, but just because the calculations are happening in your brain doesn't mean those Warm fuzzy feelings are all in your head. 

In fact, all five of your senses play a role, each able to vote for or veto a budding attraction. The eyes are the first components in attraction. Many visual beauty standards vary between cultures and eras, and signs of Youth fertility and good health. Such as long lustrous, hair or smooth scar. Free skin are almost always in demand because they're associated with reproductive Fitness and when the eyes spot something they like our instinct is to To move closer.

He might not have otherwise noticed a woman's nose is particularly attuned to MHC molecules which are used to fight disease in this case, Opposites Attract, when a study asked women to All t-shirts that have been worn by different men. They prefer the, odors of those whose MHC molecules differed from theirs, this makes sense genes that result in a greater variety of immunities, may give Offspring a major survival Advantage, our ears also determine attraction. Men prefer females with high-pitched breathy, voice has and wide formant spacing or related with smaller body size, while women prefer low-pitched voices with an arrow Foreman spacing That suggests a larger body size and not surprisingly, touch turns out to be crucial for romance in this experiment. Not realizing the study had begun. Participants, were asked to briefly hold the coffee either hot or iced. 

Later the participants read a story about a hypothetical person and were asked to rate their personality. Those who had held the hot cup of coffee perceived, the person in the story as happier, more, social more generous, and better nature. Then those who had held the cup of iced coffee great, at the person as cold stoic and unaffectionate, if a potential mate has managed to pass all these tests, there's still one more, the InFamous first kiss, a rich and complex exchange of tactile and chemical cues such as the smell of one's breath and the taste of their mouths. This magical moment is so critical that a majority of men and women have reported losing their attraction to someone after a bad. First kiss once, attraction is confirmed, your bloodstream is flooded with norepinephrine activating your fight or flight system. Your heart beats faster, your pupils dilate and your body releases glucose for additional energy. 

Not because you're in danger but because your body is telling you that something important is happening to help you focus norepinephrine creates a sort of tunnel vision blocking out surrounding distractions. Possibly even warping your sense of time and enhancing your memory. This might explain why people never forget their first kiss. The idea of so much of our attraction being influenced by chemicals and evolutionary. Biology may seem cold and scientific rather than romantic but the next time you see someone, you like, try to appreciate how your entire body is playing. Matchmaker to decide if that beautiful stranger is right for you. So the other senses can investigate the noses contribution to romance is more than noticing perfume or cologne its able to pick up unnatural. Chemical signals known as pheromones but these not only convey important physical or genetic information about their Source but are able to activate a physiological or behavioral response in the recipient. In one study, a group of women at different points in their ovulation Cycles or the same t-shirts for three nights after mail. Volunteers, were randomly assigned to smell, either one of the worn shirts or a new. Unworn one saliva, samples showed an increase in testosterone in those who had smelled a shirt worn by an ovulating woman. Such a testosterone boost may give Amanda nudge to pursue a woman. 

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