

Zafarnama: Epistle of Victory

The Zafarnama is a letter written by Guru Gobind Singh to Emperor Aurangzeb in 1705, following the Battle of Chamkaur.

In this letter:

  • Guru Gobind Singh recounts the events leading to the battle.
  • He defends his actions and criticizes Aurangzeb for tyranny and betrayal.
  • The letter is a mix of historical account and eloquent Persian poetry.
  • Guru Gobind Singh condemns Aurangzeb's unjust rule and upholds principles of justice and righteousness.
  • The Guru remains steadfast in his commitment to truth and justice despite overwhelming odds.
  • The Zafarnama concludes with a prediction of divine retribution and a call for reflection by Aurangzeb.

The Zafarnama is a powerful literary and historical work, symbolizing the Sikh spirit of resilience against oppression.

Zafarnama Excerpt (Persian)

Zafarnama Excerpt (Persian)

پسی خواہش هی که چهودون یار کو

هو گئے هیں هزار بار، گزره ہیں هزار بار

آی عروج زمانه، آی تخت نشین

ترک ملت کا میں نهی ہوں، تو ره گزره هیں هزار بار

These lines represent a glimpse of the Zafarnama in its original Persian language, as transcribed in the Gurmukhi script.

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